Saturday, December 19, 2015

Two Songs About Loss and Victory

Song words.  The first in response to a sermon.  The second in response to a football team.

"More Than Words, More Than Us"

I thought it was over, I thought life was done 
So empty I shook with despair
I asked God to help in the name of His Son 
But I couldn't tell He was there

 I shared my dilemma with some of my friends
 They listened and prayed for God's Love
 To soften my heart and then never to end
 Below can be just as above

 I prayed and I listened and listened some more
 The peace in the silence shone through
 My heart beat was thankful for all He had done
 God showed me just what I could do

 Chorus:    The Heartfelt Joy of understanding 
                   Deepest Peace that we can trust  
                   God will touch us as we gather 
                   More than words, More than us

 - See more at:

"Buckeye Free"

Jesus or the Buckeyes,
Which one is your lord?
Which one gives you hope,
Through the shouting of their word?

Do you need a touchdown
To know that you're alive?
Or prayer and praise and worship
To know how you should strive?

Jesus or the Buckeyes
Which one makes you whole?
Which one gives you hope
For the healing of your soul?

Chorus:  Jesus is the one for me.
                 Jesus made me Buckeye free
                 His love has won my heart away
                 I cheer for Jesus every day.